Author Archives: Procat

Datamatiker, currently on a C#.NET course.

More powershell fun

A little poweshell script for finding the largest files on a drive, fire it off from the root. It’ll list the top 5 files, but can be easily changed by changing the 4 highlighted in the for loop. $files = @(); $files = Get-ChildItem . -rec | Sort-Object Length -descending; for($i =0; $i -le 4;$i++)

FFMpeg tricks

Lets start off the topic by explaining some easy ways to getting media converted. I’ve been using ffmpeg to convert some WMV, FLV and AVI files into the same format (different containers and codecs means I had to use different players). Now there are many end results here, so tweaking this the way you want.

Procat posting?

Don’t believe it everything you read… I’ve updated WP to version 2, not sure if it makes much of a difference as far as I can see, lots of work done to the posting part thou, should be easier to make posts….

Speaking about updating….

First of all, Happy new year everyone! I’ve started my new (temporary, for the time being) job today, it went well, lot’s of new stuff to read up on.


It’s seems the new installation of WordPress is more resistance to spam then the old one, that or spammers simple have stop targetting the domain….


I’ve nuked just about everything on the domain, it was about time, the purge included this little blog too. I had different reasons for killing everything, some was leftover from my last school projects, others were temporary projects that had long ago been abanonded, this blog was filled with bugs (I use to update